Sunday, June 6, 2010

Part II Course with Vinaya Ma

The Art of Living Part 2 Course

The deeper your rest; the more dynamic your activity.
-- H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The Art of Living Part 2 course is designed to provide the precise conditions for:

enhancing self-discovery
providing deep rest for the mind and body
reviving energy and enthusiasm

Benefits: This course is an opportunity to experience powerful silence along with the deep serenity of Hollow and Empty meditations. The practice of silence has been known throughout the ages, in many different traditions and cultures, as a great tool for elevating consciousness. When profound meditations are added to this silence we find that our ever-changing thoughts come to a rest and our mind becomes clear giving rise to a sense of natural joy.

Increased awareness and an unshakable sense of stability come into our lives and stay for long periods of time after the course.

Each Part 2 course is an invitation to dive deep into the Self and enjoy a perfect vacation for mind, body and spirit.

Eligibility:Participant must have done the Part 1 Course or YES+ Course.

For Registrations Contact:

9820211298 . 9967930634 . 9821242184

Bhajan of the Day

Go MAD - Make A Difference

Want your neighbours to do the Part-I course but don't know how to get them to register??

Just invite them to your house for a satsang....we'll have a short satsang & meditation session @ your house with a brief intro talk about the course..

Its easy to organise a satsang @ home...just invite your neighbours(approx 10-15) n let us know the date, time& venue..we'll take care of the rest :)

Regular satsang & meditation lifts the energy in the house & makes it more peaceful..